Sunday, April 14, 2013

Even the Perfect Missionary Struggles

The perfect missionary: 

Is there such a thing?

We, as humans, are not perfect. There is no way for us to be perfect, and we will never be perfect on this Earth. So, what we are to do then, is to strive to be perfect. Even missionaries are not perfect. Even the most perfect of missionaries struggle. 

       "Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses, applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit." 
-Richard G. Scott.

No matter where we are in life, consequences and trials will face us. As we obey the Lord and his commandments, blessings will persue us. However, that doesn't mean the Lord will not allow us to grow. When these challenges come upon us, when they are not consequences of disobedience, the Lord is hinting to do more. To find more investigators. To serve more. To pray more. To think of new strategies. There is always room for improevemnt. When times get hard in the mission field, remember there is more to be done. The Lord is hinting that we are doing well, and can do even more. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mission Call Update

Hey, everyone! MORE mission calls. We are now the Army of Helaman! Let us join together and build God's Kingdom.

Sister Tiffany Ross from West Point, Utah has been called to the Asuncion, Paraguay Mission!

Sister Celeste Wheelwright from Plesant View, Utah has been called to the Scottsdale, Arizona Mission!

Sister Carly Welch from Pleasant View, Utah has been called to the Jackson, Mississippi Mission!

Sister Arielle Judd from Gilbert, Arizona has been called to the Morristown, New Jersey Mission!

Sister Karly Catto from North Ogden, Utah has been called to the Washington Federal Way Mission!

Sister Emily Kitchen from St.George, Utah has been called to the Eugene, Oregeon Mission!

Sister Rachel Wilding from North Ogden, Utah has ben called to the Adriatic North, Mission!

Sister Paige Himmelton from Pontiac, Michigan has been called to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Mission!

Sister Jaycee Leighton from Panama City, Florida has been called to the Barcelona, Spain Mission

Don't forget to e-mail your name, where you are from, and your mission call to

Friday, April 5, 2013

Your Wonderful Journey Home

Here is a beautfiul message from President Uchtodrof . Remember missions are so hard, but they are so worth it. God will lift us up so that we are able to go to work.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Advice for the MTC- Sister Chase

Hello, Sisters!

Getting ready to pack and wondering what to bring to the MTC?

On Sister Amanda Chase's blog, she put up some great advice on what to bring. It is so beneficial to hear it from someone who is there now. Here is a link to her blog, follow for more wonderful updates on her journey!


• Bring a watch
• Bring a small calendar (it’s nice to know what the date is)
• Bring some pictures of friends and family
• Bring stamps, envelopes, paper, and cute stickers to put on your letters
• Good pens and pencils
• If you get cold really easily at night, bring a small blanket
• Definitely bring a pillowcase
• A laundry bag you can carry (the place where you do your laundry is a totally separate building than your residence hall)
• Hand sanitizer, tissues, small lotion to carry in your purse
• Mints ( you can’t chew gum at the MTC)
• Tell your family and friends about (if they send a note before 12pm [Monday-Friday], you get it that night.
• You won’t get any mail until the first Friday you’re here
• Study the Book of Mormon, mark it, read it, know it, love it
• Camera with 2 SD cards-- to be able to swap one back and forth with your parents
• Bring more garments than you think (you get sweaty during gym and service time, it’s nice to put on a clean pair)
• A little hymn book (though not completely necessary)
• Smallish notebook to take notes and Band-Aids!
• Be prepared for some weird people
• The days are super short and super long at the same time, time is so crazy here at the MTC
• Try to have fun and remain normal. If you’re not laughing, you’re not doing it right
• Your emotions will be up and down all the time
• Bring melatonin if you think you’ll have difficulty falling asleep
• Be prepared to sit A LOT. All you do is sit.
• Just make it to P-DAY. You can do it!
• You won’t get to check your email for over a week after you report
• Don’t be nervous to teach investigators—as long as you’re prepared and have the spirit with you, you’ll do great :)
• When it’s hard, remember that it does get better—if you look, you will see tons of tender mercies from God during the hard moments
• Pray for your future investigators ALL the time—it helps to stay motivated and happy :)
• The elders in our district wish they would have remembered to bring their journal and a couple cans of mountain dew :) [What?! No caffeine at the MTC??]

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Special Discount For SMW Followers!

Hello, Sisters!


This amazing website, Sis-Miss that I just adore, has created a Special Discount just for Sister Missionaries of the Word Followers!!!  AMAZING, right?!?!

At checkout, you can enter the code SM15 to get $15 off orders of $75 or more.

Spread the word and check them out! Don't forget to FOLLOW Sister Missionaries

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Word for the Hesitant Missionary

So ever since I decided to serve a mission, I've noticed i've had this stalker dude. He's super creepy and follows me everywhere I go. His name is Satan. I knew the fear and doubt would come along with being a Missionary, but what I didn't know was how to deal with it. We are all going to struggle with this throughout the mission process.
When I came across President Uchdorft's talk, I was reassured and comforted. Look at Uchdorft's advice for the Hesitant Missionary.
It reminded me that the Work is good and with God, we can be granted a restraining order.

A Word for the Hesitant Missionary

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

A Word for the Hesitant Missionary

Disciples of Jesus Christ have always been under the obligation to take His gospel to the world (see Mark 16:15–16). Nevertheless, sometimes it is difficult to open our mouths and speak about our faith to those around us. While some members of the Church have a natural gift for talking to others about religion, others are a little hesitant or may feel awkward, embarrassed, or even fearful of doing so.
To that end, may I suggest four things that anyone can do to follow the commission of the Savior to preach the gospel “unto every creature” (D&C 58:64).

Be a Light

A favorite saying of mine often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi reads, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”1 Implicit in this saying is the understanding that often the most powerful sermons are unspoken.
When we have integrity and live consistently by our standards, people notice. When we radiate joy and happiness, they notice even more.
Everyone wants to be happy. When we members of the Church radiate the light of the gospel, people can see our happiness and sense the love of God filling and overflowing in our lives. They want to know why. They want to understand our secret.
That leads them to ask questions such as “Why are you so happy?” or “Why do you always have such a positive attitude?” The answers to these questions, of course, lead perfectly into a conversation about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Be Conversational

Bringing up the subject of religion—particularly to our friends and loved ones—can seem daunting and challenging. It doesn’t have to be. Mentioning spiritual experiences or talking about Church activities or events in casual conversation can be easy and pleasant if we invest a little courage and common sense.
My wife, Harriet, is a wonderful example of this. When we were living in Germany, she would find a way to work Church-related topics into her conversations with friends and acquaintances. For example, when someone asked about her weekend, she would say, “This Sunday we had an impressive experience in our church! A 16-year-old young man gave a beautiful talk in front of 200 people of our congregation about living a clean life.” Or, “I learned about a 90-year-old woman who knitted more than 500 blankets and gave them to our Church’s humanitarian program to be shipped to people in need all around the world.”
More often than not, the people who heard this wanted to know more. They asked questions. And that led to opportunities to talk about the gospel in a natural, confident, nonpushy way.
With the advent of the Internet and social media, it is easier today to talk about these things in a conversational way than ever before. What we need is simply the courage to do so.

Be Full of Grace

Unfortunately, it is so easy to be disagreeable. It happens too often that we argue, belittle, and condemn. When we become angry, rude, or hurtful with people, the last thing they want is to learn more about us. It is impossible to know how many people have either left the Church or never joined because someone said something that hurt or offended them.
There is so much incivility in the world today. Because of the anonymity of the Internet, it is easier than ever to say toxic or grating things online. Shouldn’t we, the hopeful disciples of our gentle Christ, have a higher, more charitable standard? The scriptures teach, “Let your speech be alway[s] with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man” (Colossians 4:6).
I like the idea of our words being clear as a sunny sky and full of grace. Can you imagine what our families, wards, nations, and even the world would be like if we could adopt this simple principle?

Be Filled with Faith

Sometimes we take upon ourselves too much credit or too much blame when it comes to others accepting the gospel. It’s important to remember that the Lord doesn’t expect us to do the converting.
Conversion comes not through our words but through the heavenly ministrations of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes all it takes is one single phrase of our testimony or about an experience to set in motion the softening of a heart or the opening of a door that can lead others to experience sublime truths through the promptings of the Spirit.
President Brigham Young (1801–77) said he knew the gospel was true when he “saw a man without eloquence, or talents for public speaking, who could only say, ‘I know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of the Lord.’” President Young said when he heard that humble testimony, “The Holy Ghost proceeding from that individual illuminate[d] my understanding, and light, glory, and immortality [were] before me.”2
Brothers and sisters, have faith. The Lord can magnify the words you speak and make them mighty. God doesn’t ask you to convert but rather to open your mouths. The task of converting is not yours—that belongs to the person hearing and to the Holy Spirit.

Every Member a Missionary

My dear friends, today there are more ways than ever for us to open our mouths and share with others the joyful news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a way for everyone—even the hesitant missionary—to participate in this great work. We can each find a way to use our own particular talents and interests in support of the great work of filling the world with light and truth. As we do so, we will find the joy that comes to those who are faithful and courageous enough “to stand as witnesses of God at all times” (Mosiah 18:9).

Teaching from This Message

One effective way to teach is to “encourage those you teach to set … goals that can help them live the principle you have taught” (Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 159). Consider inviting those you teach to prayerfully set a goal to share the gospel with one or more people this month. Parents can discuss ways younger children could help. You could also help family members brainstorm or role-play ways to bring up the gospel in regular conversation and think of upcoming Church activities to which they could invite a friend.


Having a hard time finding clothes that are modest AND fashionable attire for the mish? Look no further!!!

I just found this AMAZIIIING online store called Sis-Miss- Sister Missionary Apparel.

Check them out because I found sooo many cute things! You even get free shipping on orders of $30 or more.

I put together some of my favorite outfits. Check 'em out!

Jaye.e Button-Up Blouse
Jaye.e Button-Up Blouse. Also in Blue!

Covet Chevron Stripe Skirt
Covet Chevron Stripe Skirt. Can go with sooo many colored blouses!

Ruffle Pocket Sleeved Blouse
Ruffle Pocket Sleeved Blouse. Also available in black and coral. This is my favorite blouse. It is so simple yet adds a flare to any skirt.

Covet Multicolor Striped Skirt
Covet Multi-Colored Stripe Skirt. My Fave skirt! Love the yellow! So fun and not too crazy to match with!
Blue Bow Flats
Blue Bow Flats. So cute! With very good support.

Check them out for more cute clothes!! :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mission Call Update

The number of Sister Missionaries around the world is increasing every day. The work is moving and the Lord needs us woman to spread the Gospel far and wide!

Sister Luisa Parkinson from Auckland, New Zealand has been called to serve in the Canada Vancouver Mission!

Sister Summer Allen from Mesa, Arizona has been called to serve in the St. George Utah Mission!

Sister Rebecca Tanner from Pleasant View, Utah has been called to serve in the Paraguay Asuncion Mission!

Sister Shaylin Cox from Hurricaine, Utah has been called to serve in the Nagoya Japan Mission!

Sister Aubree Herchie from Atlanta, Georgia has been called to serve in the Stockholm, Sweden Mission!

Sister Emily Shelton from North Ogden, Utah has been called to serve in the West Indies Mission!

Sister Jasmine Medsker from North Ogden, Utah has been called to serve in the Spokane, Washington Mission!

Sister Lindsey Gavin from Pleasant View, Utah has been called to serve in the Dallas, Texas Mission!

Sister Marjorie Watson from Wells, Englad has been called to serve in the Scotland/Ireland Mission!

Sister Lauren Merrill from South Ogden, Utah has been called to serve in the Burmingham, England Mission!

Sister Emily Woods from Pleasant View, Utah has been called to serve in the Paraguay, Asuncion Mission!

Sister Camille Weller from Ogden, Utah has been called to serve in the Arequipa, Peru Mission!

Sister Malory Brown from St. George, Utah has been called to serve in the Manchester, England Mission!

Sister Camilla Balding from Austin, Texas has been called to serve in the Reno, Nevada Mission!

Wow! What a marvelous work that is moving forth! If you've recieved your mission call, send your name, where you are from, and your assignment!! Thanks, Sisters!

So You're Serving A Mission: WHY?

So, why are you serving a Mission?

Have you ever been asked, "So WHY a mission?" Or, have you ever thought that about someone else? I know I have! So, I asked some fellow Sisters who've recieved their call just that, "Why?"

Here are their responses:

"I have been a member my entire life, but it wasn't until after high school that I really understood what that meant. I am blessed with parents who are so sure of their faith that it was easy for me to just rely on their testimonies. But, when I went away to college, I learned pretty fast that I needed to find my own testimony, or I would never really know who I was. I started praying for guidance and revelation to know that this was the true Gospel. I'll never forget the peace that I felt and I knew at that moment, that I was part of something amazing; the true church of Jesus Christ. It was soon after that I decided that I wanted to serve a full time mission when I was 21, which was 3 years away.
     At first, I was so sure, that nothing anyone said could make me think a mission wasn't for me. After about a year, I started dating and was told by many that marriage could be the mission that I was meant for. Feeling uneasy, I realized I had never really prayed to know whether serving a mission was part of God's plan for me or not. This being that partly, I was stubborn in thinking that I knew what was best for me and the other part being that I was afraid that God would tell me I wasn't supposed to serve a mission. That night, I knelt by my bed and told the Lord that I was ready to do whatever He wanted. All I needed was a push in the right direction.
     The next day was October 2012 Conference. I was in bed sick, so my roommate and best friend was taking notes for me. All of a sudden I heard her scream. She raced into my room with tears streaming down her face. I thought someone had died, so a little worried, I asked her what was wrong. She said that the age had been changed to 19. She didn't need to explain, because I knew. I felt this jolt shoot through my body that overwhelmed me and I knew that this was the answer I had been waiting for; I was going to be a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will be serving the people of South Houston Texas, Spanish speaking, where I am blessed to share the that which has been the best gift in my life, the Gospel and my testimony of its truth."
 Hermana Arielle Scott
"I am the oldest of 5 in my family.  
My mom grew up in the church, but her parents were coverts.
My dad has been a convert for about 11 years.  
I have had only 1 cousin serve a mission, and he had to come home early due to a knee injury.  
My mom's family now only has her and two other siblings and her mother that are still active in the church, and none of my dad's family has converted.  

Last September I started my first semester of college at BYU-I, which I love so much.  In the first couple of weeks my roommate and I went to the temple, and there I sought revelation from Heavenly Father to know what to "work on" during the semester to improve myself and to progress more.  As I pondered and prayed in the temple I heard/felt, that I need to go prepare to serve a mission.  I immediately thought "That's three years away" since I am only 18 and sisters couldn't serve until age 21.  But I said to myself, 'Alright, Heavenly Father, I will start preparing to serve a mission.'  I began to study my scriptures differently, reading Preach My Gospel, and studying about the temple.  

In the October General Conference following, President Monson announced the age change, allowing elders to serve at 18 and sisters at 19.  That three years I had, quickly became 9 months. There were many mixed emotions at that point.  I was scared, yet very excited. 

Since the announcement, I know that Heavenly Father wants me to serve my mission.  I have my papers turned in and I should have my call on Thursday. I am serving my mission, because Heavenly Father has asked me to, but also because I want to.  I know that the gospel is true and it has brought me so much happiness and I want to share that happiness with others.  I also want to be an example to my family.  I will probably be the first full time missionary for my family, so it is quite the responsibility, but I know that the Lord will bless me and give me the ability to be a good missionary."
-Sister Rylee Nelson
"In my patriarchal blessing, it tells me that I have the gift of love, and that I should seek to find out more about that gift.  One day while I was pondering whether or not I should serve a mission, I was reading in the Book of Mormon about Jesus Christ.  I realized that Christ has tremendous love for all of Heavenly Father's children, and that's why he spent his whole mortal live serving them (and still serves us even now).  I realized that if I had any part of that love, this gift of love, that I needed to serve His children too.  When I thought that, that's when the Sprit entered incredibly powerfully into my heart.  That was the first moment I knew, without doubt, that I needed to serve a mission.  I was still afraid and I thought, "Father, I don't want to do this.  I can't do this."  Immediately, I was filled of my Heavenly Father's love for me so strongly, it was the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced in my life.  I was also filled with incredible joy, gratitude, and peace.  I knew I couldn't do it alone, but my fear left me because I knew I wouldn't do it alone, He would be with me, strengthening me the whole time.  

Over time, my acknowledgment of my revelation has grown more and more into my own personal desire to serve.  At first, it was, "I'll go where you want me to go because I trust you."  Now, I am incredibly excited.  I am really looking forward to serving my mission.  The day that I'm writing this is exactly three months before I enter the MTC.  I know with all my heart that this church is true, and I want to share the joy I feel in this gospel with other people."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Facebook Cover Photos

Hey Sisters! I just thought i'd share something I did on my Facebook Timeline. First of all, for all of you bloggers out there, I found this must-see website:  They have the cutest templates. On there, I found Facebook timeline cover photo templates, and I decided to make them into my mission call announcement  Check them out!

Visit for the templates! 
Enjoy :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Interview With an RM- Trisha

This is Trisha Niebergall from Pleasant View, Utah. Trisha recently returned home from serving in the Germany Berlin Mission. I was able to ask her a few questions based on the feedback I've received from our readers and other future Sister Missionaries I've encountered. Trisha has a firm and strong testimony of this Gospel and it shows through her example in her every day life. She was so willing to help me out and offer words of comfort and advice to those who wanted it, especially myself. Read on for Sister Niebergall's incredible interview with me.  
1.) What advice, if any, would you give to Sisters waiting to enter the MTC?

Be ready to really dedicate yourself to the work and commit your whole heart to it and pray to love the people before you even meet them. Just be ready to start your mission right, work hard, and finish strong. It's the most life-changing thing you'll do in so many aspects of your life.
2.) Is there anything you would recommend to help with learning the language?
Read the Book of Mormon in your language, right when you get your call. Write a list of words you understand just from knowing the context of the scriptures, and continue to read in through your mission. It's a great way to use language study time because you're being spiritually uplifted and studying the language.
3.) Was there any music you loved listening to on your mission?
There was a lot of music I loved, but each mission president is different in the rules for music. For my particular president, he didn't care what kind of music we listened to as long as it didn't have romantic lyrics and didn't distract from the spirit with its beat and had a good message. So for example, MOTAB singing a broadway love song wouldn't be okay, but Taylor Swift singing Silent Night would be okay. So just use your best judgement. That was his policy at least. I loved having just instrumental hymns that I could listen to while I studied. But music really does effect how the work goes, so be sure to bring some. And you're totally allowed to have ipods, you're just not allowed to use them in the MTC and aren't allowed to use headphones. Usually they have speakers provided in the apartments.
4.) Where would you recommend getting clothes? Shoes? Any extra little goodies?
I would not recommend getting clothes at Sister Missionary Mall, if you need a coat make sure to get one that will look good with a black or brown skirt, because I promise you don't want to be dressed all in black in the winter time, you feel really really dark and not so happy. If it's possible to get a colorful coat, do it! With shoes, you can either spend a lot of money on shoes that will last the whole mission that are super ugly, or you can spend the same amount of money on shoes that are cute, but won't last as long. Your choice. Just try not to look like a Jehovah's Witness. Look in the mirror and ask yourself "Do I look like a J-Dub?" If the answer is yes, try to find a different outfit. You will get confused for J-Dubs ALL the time. As for extra goodies, if you want to wear hair accessories I don't think anyone is against that. You really just will want to look cute, because you'll feel more confident and the people sense that. If you're going somewhere cold, make sure to invest in good warm boots. Trust me, it's worth it. And thermal garments are also great.
5.) A lot of Sister's are worried about packing. Any suggestions on what to bring less of, more of, none of etc?
You can bring anything you want to the MTC, but don't be afraid of dumping everything when you leave the MTC. (Depending where you are going) you'll be able to buy shampoo, face wash, and that kind of stuff. SO you can totally drop off that stuff in the MTC and don't have to worry about that weight. And there is a scale in the MTC so you can weigh your bags.
6.) Do you have any fun or touching or even hard times on your mission you would to share?
There are so many, I don't know how to choose what to share! My mission really means everything to me and so far was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'll tell a touching and a fun story.
Touching: My companion, Sister Curtis, and I were both whitewashed into a city (which means we made an Elder city a Sister’s city.) Neither of us knew the area and so we really had to rely on the Lord to help us. There was one specific time that we took a map and chose a few streets and prayed for a week to have Heavenly Father put prepared people in our path. We went there and we found a mother with 2 daughters that we talked to. They had the strongest love for the Book of Mormon and their book was more marked than mine! They instantly could feel the truth, became some of our closest friends, and eventually were baptized.
Fun: Sister Curtis and I had so much fun and saw so many miracles together. We ran to catch a train pretty much every day. On the way to this baptism of the people I talked about in the last paragraph, we had a huge adventure. We were, at that time, working in a trio. That made it possible to split up and be in 2 places at one time when we had a member with us. We worked in Meissen, but the baptism was in Dresden (about 45 minutes away by train). Sister Curtis stayed with a member in Dresden to get the baptism all set up and we went to invite an investigator to the baptism. We found our investigator and invited him and he was being VERY slow in getting ready to go. We were down to 13 minutes until our train left and my companion, our investigator, and I had to sprint to catch the train, or we’d miss the baptism. We BARELY caught it and we were so relieved. We found out that while all this was happening, a baptism dress for one of the people we were baptizing was too see through so we had to improvise her clothes, so my companion that stayed behind had to run to our apartment and search for a white skirt and a white shirt for this person about to be baptized. As they got to our apartment, they couldn’t find the key, but luckily our apartment was on the bottom floor and the window was cracked open. Even though it’s on the bottom floor it’s pretty high off the ground. Luckily my companion had an adrenaline rush and she ran and grabbed onto the window ledge (she’s really short) and had to pull herself up with only her arm strength. She did it and was able to find a skirt for this lady to wear and the 3 Felbers were able to get baptized. It was an amazing experience!
8.) Additional advice, stories, memories, funny thoughts, random remarks??
Enjoy your mission and pray to find out why you were called to your particular mission. Don't just go on a mission because you have a prompting to, but find out why Heavenly Father prompted you to go. Also, laugh when you have problems. It does no one any good if you freak out and stress. So if you lock your keys in your house and have to climb through a window to get them, laugh about it. It's a funny story to tell. Always try to be positive because it makes life so much easier. I just found my journal from before my mission last night and I read it! I had written down when I had promptings to go on a mission and the spiritual experiences that I had time and time again that I needed to go on a mission. Write down those promptings so that when you come home you can read them and see how the Lord has fulfilled His promptings to you. It re-confirms that you were supposed to go on a mission and it's so fun to re-experience the spirit you felt while preparing to go on a mission. Write these experiences down and treasure them! Also in the field, write down a miracle you see every day (I wish I would've done that.) And prepare yourself to love the people more than you could ever imagine possible!

Pictures! This is how fast the mission goes:

1.) Last family picture.


2.) First companion. 

3.) Day before the airplane. 

4.) First city (with trainer).

5.) Second city.

6.) Third city and first baptism.

7.) Fourth city. You meet the most amazing people you'll never forget.

8.) You go home.

It's just that fast. This song says it all. I'm so glad I could serve the Lord. I miss it every day, but I'm so grateful for my testimony and that I can continue to be a missionary. Good luck to all you sisters. You will never EVER regret going.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Missionaries Are Called by God

Ever wondered how mission calls are assigned? Ever felt discouraged or unsure about the mission call process? Watch this for a testimony and explanation of the assigning of mission calls and revelation.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stlylin' Sisters

Guess what? MORE CLOTHES!!

So, I've decided that I really love shopping. Especially for Sister Missionary Clothes. As a Sister Missionary it is of up-most importance to look appropriate and of the best standards. Nowadays, it can be hard to find appropriate, modest, AND fashionable clothing. But that is what I'm here for!!! Check out my new findings. :)

Friendly Reminder Top- DownEast Basics- On sale now for $20.00
Buy it here:

Gift Wrapped Top- DownEast Basics- On sale now for $20.00
But it here:

Yellow Hand Skirt- DownEast Basics- $36.99
Buy it here:

Pick A Posie Cardigan- DownEast Basics- $36.00
Buy it here:

Yuuâ„¢ Raven Casual Slip Ons
Raven Casual Slip Comfort Shoe- JCPenney- $42.00
Buy them here:

Yuuâ„¢ Genna Pleated Slip Ons
Genna Pleated Slip Ons- JCPenney- $32.00
Buy them here:

For those of us who don't prefer to shop online, or who have difficulties finding the right size online, may I suggest my favorite places to shop that you can find in almost any town! Here is just a few suggestions. 

  • My #1 fave:  Kohl's
  • JC Penney
  • Maurice's
  • DownEast Basics
  • Macy's
  • TJ Maxx
  • Ross
  • Express

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Know Your Purpose

I just found this great PERFECT video on It is an RM (Ashlee) being interviewed by a prospective sister missionary (Laura). She asks the perfect questions and the RM gives the perfect answeres. I love, love, love, love it! I am so sad that I can't get it show up, but here is the link:

Here are some of my favorite moments!

 Returned Missionary, Ashlee:
 "Growing up I always wanted to go foreign...when I got my call and was like, San Diego?! But then I said, okay why do you want to go on a mission? If you want to go see stuff, take a trip to Europe...but if you want to love the Lord and love his people and serve a mission, then serve a mission."

I love this. I think we should all take a step back and truly ask ourselves,

"Why do I want to serve a mission?"

"Missions are about inviting others to come to Christ. That's our purpose, and missions are incredible...but, they're hard. And the more that you can prepare for them beforehand, the better it is when you get is not that I was a prefect Preach My Gospel missionary, but 
God makes up for where you lack."

Modest is Hottest

Modesty is of up-most importance, especially while serving the Lord. Modest clothing that you don't have to alter or purchase extra clothing for is hard to find these days. But not with

Bella Bird!

Bella Bird is a modest clothing line! And guess what? It can be found at Walmart in stores at certain locations and online. 

Here is the Link:

Here are some direct links to some of my favorite items perfect for the Mission Field! And they're almost all on sale

Bella Bird Women's Ruffle Neck Knit Dress

This dress is so cute! It comes in a light pink-coral and a light baby blue. It is light weight for the hot times, and can be layered for the cold. It is simple yet so fashionable! I love the back of it!
Buy it here:
Bella Bird Women's Knit Maxi Skirt

Maxi dresses and skirts (floor length or almost floor length) are a must for missionaries on bicycles. They fit over the bike bar easier and don't fly up or move with your feet as you're pedaling. They are also nice for any missionary as they will keep your legs warm and they're oh so modest, great for crossing your legs.
Buy it here:
Bella Bird Women's Ruffle Neck Knit Tee

Plain shirts are great for pairing with skirts. They can be layered, accessorized, and mix-matched. This cute shirt comes in green, blue, pink, and light pink. It has a cute ruffle on top to add some pizzazz while keeping comfort and simplicity. Guess what the best part is? They're only $8.00 for a limited time!
Buy it here:

Bella Bird Women's Banded Waist Chiffon Skirt
You'll have to try this one on, or look at the measurements, becuase length may vary. I am on the shorter side, so this dress reaches below my knee. However depending on your height and dress size, length may vary. Take a look at the measurements on this one, it's worth it! It is a super comfy dress and I adore the quater lenth sleeve and the pleaded skirt with a band.
Buy it here:

I hope you like some of these or something on the web-site! I also just realized I totally had a pink theme going on here...don't worry if you don't like pink, they come in more colors! :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions

I've received an abundance of certain questions about the mission process in general, so here is a list of frequently asked questions! 

  • What are the qualifications to serve? 
    • All Church-service missionaries must be worthy to hold a temple recommend and should have no minor children living at home. They must be physically, mentally, and emotionally able to fulfill the specific call and its related duties. Prospective missionaries must also provide their own transportation and financial support. Church-service missionaries are responsible for their own medical and dental needs, including eye-care and prescription-drug expenses.
  • How do members initiate a mission call?
    • Members become aware of Church-service missionary opportunities through a variety of sources, including priesthood leaders, this website, other members, or through local bulletins that are published in different areas around the Church. Information gained from any source should be confirmed through communication with the operation that is requesting missionaries or through local priesthood leaders.
    • Members should contact and discuss service opportunities with the contact listed in the posting. This allows potential missionaries and the operation manager to determine if there is a good fit. Members should prayerfully consider the assignment to determine if they should pursue the service opportunity.
    • If affirmed, members must complete a form entitled Recommendation for Part-Time Church-Service Missionary and give it to their bishop. This form may be printed from this website. Members should carefully complete each section of the recommendation form, including where they are going to serve, how many hours each week, when they are going to start, and how long of a mission they would like to serve.
What is the missionary calling process? 
    • Upon receiving the completed recommendation forms, the bishop certifies the worthiness of the member and concurs with the selected choice for service. He then signs the form and forwards it to the stake president.
    • The stake president interviews the candidate for worthiness and signs the recommendation form and forwards it to the local Church-service missionary coordinator's office for review, for entry into the database, and for authorization to extend the call.
    • The coordinator advises the stake president by letter when the processing is complete, and the stake president extends the call to the member. The stake president authorizes the bishop to set the new missionary apart.
    • Church-service missionaries should then contact the operation where they will be serving. They are supervised and trained under the direction of the operation in which they serve. The stake president and bishop remain the ecclesiastical leaders for the member.
  • How do I get started? 
    • Review the service opportunities on this website or any other source available.
    • Feel free to visit, ask questions about, and evaluate one or more service opportunities through the listed contact name and phone number. This allows you and the operation manager to determine if the assignment is a good fit. Prayerfully consider the assignment to determine if it is consistent with your time, ability, and health.
    • Carefully complete the recommendation form, indicating your choice or choices of places to serve and the dates and times of service you desire.
    • Meet with your bishop so that you can give him your completed recommendation form and be interviewed for worthiness to serve.
    • Meet with your stake president for a worthiness interview to serve a Church-service mission.

I sure hope these helped!!! 
These answers were found at

For more Frequently Asked Questions from others, check out this link, it has everything you need to know!

Weekly Mission Calls

 “Perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.” —Alma 29:9.

It's Weekly Mission Call Time!

Congratulations to these Sisters who've received their Mission Calls!

Sister Shayna Wiser from Pleasant View, Utah has been called to serve in the McAllen, Texas Mission,  Spanish Speaking!

Sister Rachel Saunders from Harrisville, Utah has been called to serve in the Indianapolis, Indiana Mission!

Sister Baily Beckstrand from North Ogden, Utah has been called to serve in the McAllen, Texas Mission, Spanish Speaking!

Sister EmmaLee Waters from Boulder, Colorado has been called to serve in the Stockholm, Sweden Misison!

Sister Ariel Goldfine from Madison, Wisconsin has been called to serve in the Milan, Italy Mission!

Sister Paula Ybarra from St. George, Utah has been called serve in the Tacoma, Washington Mission!

Sister Caroline Sanchez from Mexico City has been called to serve in the Arequipa, Peru Mission! Speaking her native tongue, Spanish!

Congrats to these Sisters! If you have received your call, e-mail your name, where you are from, your call, and a picture if you will, to 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Get in Touch with Us!

Get in Touch With Sister Missionaries of the World! 

Share your thoughts!

Have a question? Advice? Ideas? Tell us! Send in any concerns or thoughts you may have and we will get them addressed!

Send them here:

We will be posting weekly mission calls on our page! Send in your mission call, your name, and where you are from! Let's see the mission field growing all over the world, especially those awesome Sister Missionaries  :)

Are you a returned missionary?
If you are willing to be interviewed, send in your name and contact information!

In Touch With the Spirit

I'd like to share with you an experience I had recently.

It was the week after finals and most of the Students had gone home for Christmas break...that wasn't my case. Work commitments required me to stay at school for the break instead of take the rest of the month off and visit home with family.
It was Sunday afternoon and I had the sudden idea to visit the Visitor's Center at the Temple. I had lived here for nearly four months and I hadn't been yet.
When I walked in, I was greeted by a Sister Missionary with a kind, warm smile  Her name was Sister Barber. She was from Ireland here serving in Utah. We chatted and she gave me a small tour of the center. She mentioned several times throughout the tour of a video that she really wanted to show me. She asked other Sisters if they had remembered the name of the video, for she could not. She led me into a small room with a TV and searched the menu for the video she felt so strongly I should see. I even heard her plead with the Savior for a brief moment, asking for help to find it. I could see she was getting discouraged. She finally said, "Well, I don't know where it is. But how about we just go ahead and watch one, they're all good."
She chose one at random and joined me on the chairs to watch the video.
As we watched, I broke into tears. I knew that this was the video the spirit wanted me to see. We shared experiences and thoughts of the gospel and both of our testimonies were strengthened.
I am so thankful that Sister Barber had the spirit with her and was able to get the prompting to show me that video. She knew and recognized the spirit and acted upon it. Her prayers and pleads for the Savior to guide her to the video were answered, but not in the way that she expected.
So many times in our missions, we will feel prompted by the spirit. We need to remember to follow it in what it tells us to do, because we won't always know the reason or the outcome it will have.
As it says on page 149 of Preach My Gospel, we must pray to teach the right people and teach the true doctrine.

May we all try to be obedient in the gospel and promptings of the holy ghost. Good things will always happen to the obedient and faithful.

Monday, January 14, 2013

7 Tips for Sister Missionaries

First of all, a great book to read is, "Sisters: A Modern Girl's Guide to Serving a Mission". It sums everything we need to know ever. Such a fun and helpful book.
Buy it here:

Melissa Dymock is a genuis when she summed up 7 Tips for Sister Missionaries. Check it out below.

The time between when a young woman decides to go on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the day she enters the Missionary Training Center is filled with much to do. It can be difficult to determine what is necessary versus what can slide. Here are some things prospective sister missionaries should consider doing (as many wish they’d done) before entering the MTC.

1. It’s time to go shopping. If you’re leaving for a mission in the summer or spring, you might have a difficult time finding proper clothing for the full 18 months. A salesperson laughed at one sister when she asked the clerk where the long skirts were in June. You need to purchase a basic year-round wardrobe since you might not have access to clothing stores once out on the mission.

Pay attention to materials sent from the LDS Church's Missionary Department or mission president and his wife (or contact your mission president’s wife, if possible) about what to wear, as some standards can change from mission to mission. For instance, in one mission the sisters wore skirts just below the knee, but in another most of the sisters were on bikes and ankle-length skirts were easier to wrap around a bike bar.
Weather can also factor into what you need. Those nice business jackets and fitted skirts don’t come out often if you’re in the jungles of South America, but will be necessary if you’re at a visitor's center. For wherever you go, make sure you get a decent pair of comfortable dress walking shoes.

2. Buy church-approved music you like. Those two Especially for Youth CDs you got for your 14th birthday are going to grind on you after 18 months of nothing but. Do pay attention to music that has been approved for missionaries in your mission.

3. Research your mission. Talk to those who have gone there, read the information sent to you about your mission, contact your mission president (if possible) and learn about the local customs. A mission experience varies drastically from one mission to another and even from mission president to president.

4. Start an exercise routine. A Mormon mission is physically taxing and the more fit you are now, the easier the transition will be. Many sisters (and elders) spend the first few months of their mission in pain because they’re sore from going from Internet surfer to constant biker or walker.

5. Step up studying of your scriptures and other doctrine. A mission can be very spiritually fulfilling, but there needs to a very strong foundation for it. Every day people are going to be challenging your beliefs. You need to be strengthening your testimony because in the mission field it’s going to get torn down. Many skip this important step because they think that in a few months they will be studying nonstop so it doesn’t matter. But your testimony will come under fire, and if you’re not prepared it will be much like not exercising, you will be spiritually sore for a while.

6. Develop an after-your-mission plan so you don’t wallow when you come home. If you’re in school, talk to your professors and administrators to determine what you’ll need to do to get re-enrolled. (While on their missions, some sisters received special permission to go online and register for the semester after they came home.) Talk to your employer about your work options. Will you have a job when you get home?
If you’re going to be seeking employment or enrollment in different place, get the necessary recommendations and references in order before you leave, since a year and a half can make it more difficult for people to remember you.

7. Before you leave, do some of the things you love that you won’t be able to for the next 18 months. Maybe you love to travel, so take a weekend getaway before your mission. Or maybe you'd rather spend an evening reading your favorite book one last time before you leave. I went white-water rafting the weekend before I went into the MTC. My only warning is to keep it within reason, so it's not too difficult to walk away from and not something that will bring about unneccesary injuries.

Stylish Sisters

I just found this amazing website for sister missionary clothing. It is so fun and stylish, and still simple to mix-match. Check them out!!!

I love this Blue Skirt. It's comfy and durable. It also comes in black and all colors!

How cute is this blouse? It can be worn with any color, and a new pair of earrings will spice it up every time! It's also light-weight for the warmer days. And guess what? It is only $7!!!

This dress is absolutley adorable. It is longer than it looks as well. It reaches about an inch below the knee on an average height person. This is the back view.
Order it here:

Lace Cap Sleeve Dress - 

Shoes are the most important thing to invest in when missionary attire shopping. How cute are these shoes? They are durable and comfortable. They are made well so they will last the whole mission. They aren't a boring color, but can still be worn with anything!
Order them here:

Born Clever
 More ideas coming soon! Stay tuned.